Before the Cyclone Season
Keep watch on weather and listen to radio or TV. Keep alert about the community warning systems – loudspeakers, bells, conches, drums or any traditional warning system.
Get to know the nearest cyclone shelter / safe houses and the safest route to reach these shelters.
Do not listen to rumours.
Prepare an emergency kit containing:
A portable radio, torch and spare batteries;
Stocks dry food – Chura, Chhatua, Mudhi, gur, etc.
Matches, fuel lamp, portable stove, cooking utensils, waterproof bags
A first aid kit, manual, etc.
Katuri, pliers, small saw, axe and plastic rope
Check the roof and cover it with net or bamboo. Check the walls, pillars, doors and windows to see if they are secure. If not, repair those at the earliest. In case of tin roofs, check the condition of the tin and repair the loose points. Cover the mud walls with polythene or coconut leaves mats or straw mats on a bamboo frame. Bind each corner of the roof with a plastic rope in case of thatched roof.
Trim dry tree branches, cut off the dead trees and clear the place/courtyard of all debris, including coconuts and tree branches.
Clear your property of loose materials that could blow about and cause injury or damage during extreme winds.
If your area is prone to storm surge, locate safe high ground or shelter.
Keep important documents, passbook, etc. in a tight plastic bag and take it along with your emergency kits if you are evacuating.
Identify the spot where you can dig holes to store food grains, seeds, etc. in polythene bags.
Keep a list of emergency addresses and phone numbers on display. Know the contact telephone number of the government offices /agencies, which are responsible for search, rescue and relief operations in your area.
If you are living in an area where CBDP exercises have taken place, ensure:
Vulnerability list and maps have been updated
Cyclone drill including search & rescue, first aid training have taken place
Stock of dry food, essential medicines and proper shelter materials maintained
Upon a cyclone warning
Store loose items inside. Put extra agricultural products/ stock like paddy in plastic bags and store it by digging up a hole in the ground, preferably at a higher elevation and then cover it properly. Fill bins and plastic jars with drinking water.
Keep clothing for protection, handy
Prepare a list of assets and belongings of your house and give information to volunteers and other authorities about your near and dear ones.
Fill fuel in your car/motorcycle and park it under a solid cover. Tie bullock carts, boats securely to strong posts in an area, which has a strong cover and away from trees. Fallen trees can smash boats and other assets.
Close shutters or nail all windows. Secure doors. Stay indoors, with pets.
Pack warm clothing, essential medications, valuables, papers, water, dry food and other valuables in waterproof bags, to be taken along with your emergency kit.
Listen to your local radio / TV, local community warning system for further information.
In case of warning of serious storm, move with your family to a strong pucca building. In case of warning of cyclones of severe intensity, evacuate the area with your family, precious items and documents and emergency kit. Take special care for children, elders, sick, pregnant women and lactating mothers in your family. Do not forget your emergency food stock, water and other emergency items. GO TO THE NEAREST CYCLONE SHELTER.
Do not venture into the sea for fishing.
On warning of local evacuation
Based on predicted wind speeds and storm surge heights, evacuation may be necessary. Official advice may be given on local radio / TV or other means of communication regarding safe routes and when to move.
Wear strong shoes or chappals and clothing for protection.
Lock your home, switch off power, gas, water, and take your emergency kit.
If evacuating to a distant place take valuable belonging, domestic animals, and leave early to avoid heavy traffic, flooding and wind hazards.
If evacuating to a local shelter or higher grounds carry the emergency kit and minimum essential materials.
When the cyclone strikes
Disconnect all electrical appliances and turn off gas.
If the building starts crumbling, protect yourself with mattresses, rugs or blankets under a strong table or bench or hold on to a solid fixture (e.g. a water pipe)
Listen to your transistor radio for updates and advice.
Beware of the calm `eye’. If the wind suddenly drops, don’t assume the cyclone is over; violent winds will soon resume from the opposite direction. Wait for the official “all clear”.
If driving, stop – but well away from the sea and clear of trees, power lines and watercourses. Stay in the vehicle.
After the cyclone
Do not go outside until officially advised it is safe.
Check for gas leaks. Do not use electric appliances, if wet.
Listen to local radio for official warnings and advice.
If you have to evacuate, or did so earlier, do not return until advised. Use a recommended route for returning and do not rush.
Be careful of snake bites and carry a stick or bamboo
Beware of fallen power lines, damaged bridges, buildings and trees, and do not enter the floodwaters.
Heed all warnings and do not go sightseeing.
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