A Guide to Prepare Community For Surviving Earthquake In Urban Areas
Before the Earthquake
It is essential that we are prepared for a earthquake. Seismic experts do not rule out the possibility of an earthquake anywhere in Maharashtra including Mumbai. We don't know when this will happen.
When an earthquake occurs, your first warning may be a shaking sensation if you are in a building. It may also be followed with a sudden noise or roar. You may find yourself completely topsy-turvy. It may be a scary situation! It may last a few seconds or go on for a few minutes. Breaking glass, and things falling around could hurt you. Be prepared for aftershocks.
We can't prevent an earthquake. But we can:
Ø Be prepared by injury.
Ø Be prepared to minimize damage to your home.
Ø Be prepared to manage our survival afterwards for at least 72 hours without help.
Your family preparedness for such a situation is a must. You must prepare and practice what to do during and after an earthquake.
Ø Plan your needs in such a situation. Rite down and exercise your safety plan.
Ø Known the safe and dangerous places in your home.
Safe: -Under heavy tables or desks, inside corridor, corners of rooms or archways.]
Dangerous: - Near window or mirrors, under any objects that can fall, the kitchen-where the stove, refrigerator or contents of cupboards may move violently, doorways, because the shaking may slam the door on you. Practice taking cover.
Ø Train members of your family to use fire extinguish.
Ø Plan and practice evacuation.
Ø Talk to your children about the earthquake: what to do if they are at home, at school, if the quake separates your family.
Ø Arrange an alternative family place if your present area is out of bound. Each family member should carry the contact phone number and address.
Ø Remind your family to relay on emergency authorities for guidance. Broadcast reports on radio and television will have instructions.
Ø Make sure each member of your family knows how to shut off the utilities-gas, electricity and water. (Don't shut off the gas unless there is a leak or a fire. If the gas is turned off, don't turn it on again-that must be done by a qualified technician.)
Ø Your plan should include a list of where emergency supplies and equipment are stored.
Ø Share your emergency plan with neighbors.
During the Earthquake
Preparations for an earthquake include knowing what to do while it is happening. By learning and practicing what you should try to do, you will be more able to remain calm enough to protect yourself and help others. Know what to do, wherever you are. In summary, you should take cover and stay there.
Ø If you're inside your home, stay there. Get out of the kitchen safer places are inside hall, in corners, in archways. Take cover under a heavy table, desk or any solid furniture that you can get under and hold onto. Protect your head and face. Doors may slam on you figures if you are in a doorway. Avoid areas near windows.
Ø If you are in a yard outside your home, stay there and get clear of buildings and wires that could fall on you.
Ø Don't go outside where you may be hit by falling debris - pavements next to tall buildings are particularly dangerous.
Ø Avoid lifts - if you are in a lift when an earthquake happens, press all floors buttons and get out when you can. High - rise residents will hear fire alarms go off and electricity may fail.
Ø If you are in a vehicle, pull over to the sight (leave the road clear) away from bridges, over bridges and buildings. Stay in your vehicle.
Ø If you are in a crowed public place, take cover and watch that you don't get trampled. In shopping centers, take cover in the nearest store and keep away form windows, neon signs and display shelves of heavy objects.
Ø Remain in protected place until the shacking stops. Anticipate after shocks - they may occur after the first quake.
Ø Try to remain calm and help others.
After the earthquake
Preparation of an earthquake also include knowing what to do and not do, after the shaking stops-when there is a danger from aftershocks, fire, falling building materials, debris, etc. Remain calm. You may have to take charge of others. Take care of life threatening situations first. Remember, you may be on your own for 72 hours or more.
Ø Check your home for structural damage and other hazards.
Ø Check yourself and others nearby for injuries-administer first aid quickly and carefully.
Ø If you are evacuating, locate and take your pack of emergency supplies with you.
Ø Use a torch to check utilities and not shut them off unless damaged. Leaking gas will smell. Don't light matches or turn on light switches-until you are sure there are no gas leaks or flammable liquids.
Ø Wear sturdy shoes, if there's debris, particularly broken glass.
Ø Check your neighbor's after looking your own family. Your first help after and earthquake usually will come from family and friends.
Ø Confine frightened pets.
Ø Don't flush toilets if you suspects nearby sewer lines are broken.
Ø Carefully cleanup any spilled hazardous material.
Ø Secure your home against intruders.
Ø Turn on your battery-power radio (or car radio) and listen for broadcast emergency instructions.
Ø Don't use your telephone, expect it an extreme emergency.
Ø Don't use your vehicle, expect in an extreme emergency.
Ø Stay at least ten meters from downed power lines.
Ø Avoid sea line because of the threat of large waves.
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