Wednesday, June 22, 2011



1. State and explain de Broglie hypothesis of matter waves.
2. Derive the 3 dimensional Schrodinger’s time independent wave equation
3. Derive the 3 dimensional Schrodinger’s time dependent wave equation
4. Show that the energy of a particle in a one dimensional potential box is quantized
5. What is the physical significance of the wave function
6. What are the salient features of classical free electron theory. Derive an expression for electrical conductivity in terms of relaxation time.
7. Explain the following terms:
(a) Relaxation time
(b) Drift velocity
(c) Mean free path
(d) Mobility
8. Mention the assumptions made in quantum theory to overcome the drawbacks of free electron theory of metals
9. Explain the Fermi-Dirac distribution function of electrons. Illustrate graphically the effect of temperature on the electron distribution
10. Explain the origin of electrical resistance in metals
11. State and explain the Bloch theorem
12. Discuss the motion of an electron moving in a periodic potential, using Kroenig Penny model
13. Explain the origin of energy bands in solids
14. Explain the classification of solids based on the energy band theory
15. Explain the concept of effective mass of an electron
16. Explain the following terms:
(a) Magnetic induction
(b) Relative permeability
(c) Magnetization
(d) Magnetic susceptibility
(e) Bring out the relationships between them
17. Explain the origin of magnetic moment in magnetic materials
18. Explain in detail the classification of magnetic materials
19. Discuss with help of a neat diagram, the hysteresis loop observed in ferromagnetic materials
20. What are soft and hard magnetic materials, and compare the properties between them
21. Define superconductivity. Define the terms:
(a) Critical temperature
(b) Critical field
(c) Critical current
22. State and explain Meissner effect.
23. Explain the following properties of Superconducting materials: (a) Field penetration and (b) Perfect diamagnetism
24. Explain the BCS theory of Superconductivity
25. Discuss DC and AC Josephson effects
26. What are type I and type II superconductors, and distinguish between them
27. What are the applications of superconductors
28. Explain the following terms:
(a) Dipole moment
(b) Electric polarization
(c) Dielectric constant
(d) Polarization vector
29. Explain the following terms:
(a) Electric flux density
(b) Electric susceptibility
(c) Polarizability
(d) Electric permittivity
30. Explain the electronic polarization in atoms and derive an expression for electronic polarizability in terms of radius of an atom
31. Obtain an expression for the internal field seen by an atom in an infinite array of atoms subjected to an external field
32. Explain Claussius-Mosetti relation in dielectrics subjected to static fields
33. Write short notes on ferro and piezo electricity
34. Explain ionic and orientational polarizations
35. Write short notes on intrinsic semi-conductors, and derive an expression for carrier concentration
36. State and explain Hall effect, and derive an expression fo the Hall coefficient of a semi conductor
37. Explain direct and indirect band gap semiconductors
38. Write short notes on extrinsic semi-conductors, and derive an expression for carrier concentration for p type semiconductors
39. Write short notes on extrinsic semi-conductors, and derive an expression for carrier concentration for n type semiconductors
40. Discuss the frequency dependence of various polarization processes in dielectric materials

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