Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tips for Gd

Be Your­self. You can only act as your­self. All oth­ers acts fail, or at least these exer­cises are attempt­ing to fail such acts. It is eas­ier con­vers­ing being you.

b) Take time to orga­nize your thoughts. Dur­ing the dis­cus­sion there will a lot many points. You might be nod­ding your head to many of them. But do not pitch in to say any­thing as soon as it is put on table. Think of the pros and cons. Take time to orga­nize your thoughts and put them across once you are confident.

c) The panel is lis­ten­ing to you always. Do not try to con­vince them or look for an acknowl­edg­ment. It is the group which mat­ters here-stick to them.

d) Seek clar­i­fi­ca­tions if you have any doubts regard­ing the sub­ject, before the dis­cus­sion commences.

e) First impres­sions speak a lot of you. So make sure to show the right ges­tures, the right words and more impor­tantly the right spirits.

f) Never try to show your dom­i­nance. Be assertive, speak your­self and let oth­ers speak as well.

g) Don’t lose your tem­per. Remem­ber every­one is a par­tic­i­pant there. They are putting across their point. Be log­i­cal and break down your answer to accept­able chunks. This will help you in confrontations

h) Show your lead­er­ship skills. Build­ing a con­sen­sus needs lead­er­ship skills. Steers the dis­cus­sion in right track also try to make all par­tic­i­pants speak-this would help in con­sen­sus building.

i) Any out­ra­geous act is sure to seize inter­est but least expects them to sus­tain that interest.

I hope this series of arti­cles on GD helped you up your ante for real life bat­tles. Best of luck!

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